Data wrangling and exploratory data analysis in Jupyter#

In the previous tutorial, we used a Python script to call a movie database API and populate a DuckDB instance with the extracted movie data. Furthermore, we packaged the script within a Ploomber pipeline. In this tutorial, we will expand our pipeline to incorporate exploratory data analysis and data wrangling with SQL using a Jupyter notebook. This step will involve extracting data, data wrangling, and creating new tables.


This tutorial assumes you have completed the previous tutorial and have a DuckDB instance populated with movie data.

Ensure you have completed all steps up to this point and execute

cd mini-projects/movie-rec-system
poetry run ploomber build


Within our folder structure, we will create a Jupyter notebook called eda.ipynb in the etl folder. From last time, our folder structure should look like this:

├──├── movies_data.duckdb
├──├── movies_data.duckdb.wal
├──├── pipeline.yaml
├──├── pyproject.toml
├──├── etl
├──│   └──
├──│   └── eda.ipynb
├──├── products
├──     └── extract-pipeline.ipynb
├──└── tests
├──│       └──
├──└── .env


If running the notebook in VSCode, you will need to install the Jupyter extension to run the notebook.

To load the data from our DuckDB instance within Jupyter, we will use JupySQL. JupySQL allows you to run SQL and plot large datasets in Jupyter via a %sql, %%sql, and %sqlplot magics.

Loading %sql extension and DuckDB instance#

To set up access to the database, we will use the %sql extension from jupysql.

%reload_ext sql
Found pyproject.toml from '/home/docs/checkouts/'
Settings changed:
Config value
displaycon False
feedback True
autopandas False
named_parameters True


Did you know you can configure the default behavior of the %sql magic? The configuration above will transform SQL query results into pandas format automatically. Learn more in the video below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ JupySQL 0.9 release.

We can then form a connection string to our DuckDB instance. We will use the %%sql magic to run SQL queries in our notebook. Notice that when creating and executing this notebook, we are using the same environment as our pipeline. This ensures that we are using the same dependencies and versions as our pipeline.

We need to give our notebook access to the DuckDB instance. To do this, we will use the duckdb:/// prefix. This prefix tells JupySQL to use the DuckDB engine to connect to the database. We will then specify the path to our DuckDB instance.

%sql duckdb:///movies_data.duckdb

⚡⚡ Challenge ⚡⚡#

Explore the tables in the movies_data.duckdb instance. Use the %sql magic to run SQL queries to explore the tables. How many tables are there? What are the columns in each table? What are the data types of each column? What are the primary keys? What are the foreign keys? What are the relationships between the tables?

Data Wrangling#

Handling Nested Data#

Let’s take a look at the data. We will start by looking at the movies table. We can use the %%sql magic to run SQL queries in our notebook. We will use the SELECT statement to select all columns from the movies table. We will then use the LIMIT statement to limit the number of rows returned to 5.

FROM movies
genre_ids id original_language overview popularity release_date title vote_average vote_count
[28, 878, 27] 615656 en An exploratory dive into the deepest depths of the ocean of a daring research team spirals into chaos when a malevolent mining operation threatens their mission and forces them into a high-stakes battle for survival. 4546.63 2023-08-02 00:00:00 Meg 2: The Trench 6.9 894
[16, 35, 10751, 14, 10749] 976573 en In a city where fire, water, land and air residents live together, a fiery young woman and a go-with-the-flow guy will discover something elemental: how much they have in common. 2723.167 2023-06-14 00:00:00 Elemental 7.8 1526

We see that the genre_ids column contains a lists of integers.

FROM genres
id name
28 Action
12 Adventure

We see the genre ids in the movies table correspond to the id column in the genres table. Let’s do some data wrangling:

WITH ExpandedGenres AS (
    SELECT AS movie_id,
        mg.movie_genre_id, AS genre_name
        (SELECT UNNEST(movies.genre_ids) as movie_genre_id, FROM movies) AS mg
        movies m ON =
        genres g ON mg.movie_genre_id =

    STRING_AGG(genre_name, ', ') AS genre_names
movie_id genre_names
615656 Action, Science Fiction, Horror
976573 Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Romance
724209 Thriller, Action
569094 Animation, Action, Adventure
346698 Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy
667538 Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
298618 Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
758769 Horror
709631 Horror
1121575 Animation, Science Fiction, Action, Adventure
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.

The query is transforming a structure where movies have a list of genre IDs into a more readable format where you get a single row for each movie and a comma-separated string of all its genres by name.

In Depth Explanation:

  1. Common Table Expression (CTE) - ExpandedGenres:

  • This CTE is aiming to “expand” or “flatten” movies based on their genres. It looks like each movie in the movies table has an array (or similar list-type structure) of genre IDs in genre_ids.

  • SELECT UNNEST(movies.genre_ids) as movie_genre_id, FROM movies: This line is unnesting (or exploding) the genre_ids list for each movie. This means if a movie has multiple genre IDs in its genre_ids, each genre ID will become a separate row, paired with the movie’s ID.

  • The resulting table of movie_id and movie_genre_id is then joined with the original movies table (to fetch the movie’s full details, although only the id is used in this CTE) and the genres table to fetch the genre’s name corresponding to each movie_genre_id.

  • The result of the CTE will be a table with movie_id, movie_genre_id, and the genre’s name (genre_name) for every movie. Note that if a movie has multiple genres, it will appear in multiple rows, one for each genre.

  1. Main Query:

  • The main query then operates on the ExpandedGenres CTE.

  • It groups the rows by movie_id (i.e., each movie will only appear once in the final output).

  • For each movie_id, it aggregates the genre names using STRING_AGG. The STRING_AGG function is concatenating the genre names together with a comma and space (’, ‘) in between them. So, for each movie, you’ll get a single string that lists all its genres.

  • The result will be a table where each row contains a movie’s ID and a concatenated string of all its genres.

Creating a table with movie and genres#

We can now create a new table in the DuckDB instance that contains detailed information about movies, including a concatenated string of their genre names. We will call it movie_genre_data.

%%sql --no-execute
WITH ExpandedGenres AS (
    SELECT AS movie_id,
        mg.movie_genre_id, AS genre_name
        (SELECT UNNEST(movies.genre_ids) as movie_genre_id, FROM movies) AS mg
        movies m ON =
        genres g ON mg.movie_genre_id =
genre_names AS (
    STRING_AGG(genre_name, ', ') AS genre_names
SELECT gn.genre_names,, m.original_language,
       m.overview, m.popularity, m.release_date,
       m.title, m.vote_average, m.vote_count
FROM genre_names gn
JOIN movies m
ON gn.movie_id =
WHERE m.vote_count != 0
Skipping execution...

The query is creating a new table where each row represents a movie that has received at least one vote. For each movie, the table will have the movie’s details and a concatenated string of all its genres by name.

In Depth Explanation:

  1. Table Creation:

  • `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS movie_genre_data AS``: This creates a new table named movie_genre_data if it doesn’t already exist.

  1. Common Table Expression (CTE) - ExpandedGenres:

  • As in the previous query, the ExpandedGenres CTE is responsible for “expanding” or “flattening” movies based on their genres. Each movie in the movies table has an array (or similar list-type structure) of genre IDs in genre_ids.

  • The result of the CTE is a table with columns: movie_id, movie_genre_id, and genre_name.

  1. CTE - genre_names:

  • This CTE operates on the ExpandedGenres CTE.

  • It groups the rows by movie_id (i.e., each movie will only appear once in the output of this CTE).

  • For each movie_id, it aggregates the genre names using STRING_AGG. This function concatenates the genre names together, separated by a comma and space.

  • The result will be a table where each row contains a movie’s ID (movie_id) and a concatenated string of all its genres (genre_names).

  1. Main Query:

  • The main query operates on the genre_names CTE and the original movies table.

  • It joins the genre_names CTE with the movies table on the movie_id field.

  • For each movie, it selects: Concatenated genre names (genre_names from genre_names CTE). The movie’s ID, original language, overview, popularity, release date, title, average vote, and vote count.

  • The WHERE m.vote_count != 0 condition ensures that only movies with at least one vote are included in the final table.

FROM movie_genre_data
genre_names id original_language overview popularity release_date title vote_average vote_count
Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Romance 976573 en In a city where fire, water, land and air residents live together, a fiery young woman and a go-with-the-flow guy will discover something elemental: how much they have in common. 3413.036 2023-06-14 00:00:00 Elemental 7.8 1318
Thriller, Action 724209 en An intelligence operative for a shadowy global peacekeeping agency races to stop a hacker from stealing its most valuable — and dangerous — weapon. 2813.299 2023-08-09 00:00:00 Heart of Stone 6.9 700

⚡⚡ Challenge ⚡⚡#

Perform data visualization and analysis on the movie_genre_data table. Use the %sqlplot magic to plot the data. What are the most popular genres? What are the most popular movies? What are the most popular movies by genre? What are the most popular movies by year? What are the most popular movies by decade? What are the most popular movies by genre and decade?

A sample notebook can be found here: eda.ipynb

Upgrading our pipeline#

Now that we have our EDA and data wrangling in a Jupyter notebook, we can upgrade our pipeline to incorporate this step. Since Ploomber supports Jupyter notebooks, we can simply add the notebook to our pipeline. We will add the notebook to the etl folder and call it eda.ipynb. We will then add the following to our pipeline.yaml file:

  - source: movie_rec_system/etl/
      nb: movie_rec_system/products/extract-pipeline.ipynb
      data: movies_data.duckdb
  - source: movie_rec_system/etl/eda.ipynb
    static_analysis: disable
      nb: movie_rec_system/products/eda-pipeline.ipynb


Since the pipeline is being executed from the mini-projects/movie-rec-system folder, we need to update the paths in the eda.ipynb file to reflect this.

%sql duckdb:///movies_data.duckdb

Execute the pipeline again:

cd mini-projects/movie-rec-system
ploomber build

This will execute the eda.ipynb notebook and save the output to eda-pipeline.ipynb in the products folder. We can now use this notebook to create a recommender system. We will do this in the next tutorial.

Loading pipeline...
Notebook movie_rec_system/etl/ is missing the parameters cell, adding it at the top of the file...
Notebook movie_rec_system/etl/eda.ipynb is missing the parameters cell, adding it at the top of the file...
Executing: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 10/10 [00:11<00:00,  1.15s/cell]
Executing: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 19/19 [00:10<00:00,  1.75cell/s]
Building task 'eda': 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:22<00:00, 11.22s/it]
name     Ran?      Elapsed (s)    Percentage
-------  ------  -------------  ------------
extract  True          11.5321       51.4146
eda      True          10.8975       48.5854

⚡⚡ Challenge ⚡⚡#

Explore the SQL Pipelines example in the Ploomber documentation. In particular, take a look at this template that uses .sql files. How would you incorporate this into your pipeline? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using .sql files vs. Jupyter notebooks?


In this tutorial, we used a Jupyter notebook to perform data wrangling and exploratory data analysis. We then incorporated this notebook into our pipeline. In the next tutorial, we will set up a recommendation system with the clean data.