Deploying with Ploomber Cloud#


Deploying artificial intelligence and machine learning applications can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to managing the underlying infrastructure. With Ploomber Cloud, you can enjoya platform where AI/ML applications can be deployed with minimal hassle. Here’s a comprehensive guide to getting started with Ploomber Cloud and leveraging its deployment capabilities, including its CLI and integration with GitHub for continuous deployment.

Getting Started with Ploomber Cloud#

  1. Sign Up

First, head to the Ploomber Cloud sign-up page and create a free account using your email and a password.

  1. Confirm Your Email

After signing up, check your inbox (and spam folder, just in case) for a confirmation email. Click the provided link to activate your account.

  1. Sign In

Now, return to Ploomber Cloud and sign in with your credentials.

  1. Deploy Your First App

Congratulations, you’re all set! Next, explore how to deploy your first application.

Acquiring an API Key#

To interact with Ploomber Cloud, you’ll need an API key. After signing up, navigate to your account section and copy the API key.

Deploying Applications via Command-Line Interface#

Install the Ploomber Cloud package using pip:

pip install ploomber-cloud

Next, set your API key as an environment variable:

ploomber-cloud key YOURKEY

Initialize a New App

ploomber-cloud init

This will create a ploomber-cloud.json file in the directory where you ran the command. This file contains the configuration for your project. You can edit this file to customize your project’s configuration. This is what it looks like:

    "id": "APP_ID",
    "type": "APP_TYPE"

Where your APP_ID is a unique identifier created when you run the init command and APP_TYPE is the type of application you’re deploying (docker, streamlit, etc.)

After initialization, deploy your app using:

ploomber-cloud deploy

The deploy command provides a URL for tracking your deployment’s progress.

Integration with GitHub#

Start by storing your API key as a GitHub secret in your repository. This is crucial for GitHub Actions to deploy your projects securely.

Configure GitHub Actions:

Add a YAML file in .github/workflows/ploomber-cloud.yaml to your repository. This file will contain the workflow configuration.

Sample Workflow Configuration (assumes you have set up a GitHub secret variable for GitHub actions called ploomber-cloud-key with your Ploomber API key):

name: Ploomber cloud deploy,en

    - cron: '0 0 * * *' 



    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Set up Python 3.10
      uses: actions/setup-python@v3
        python-version: "3.10"
    - name: Install dependencies
      run: |
          cd mini-projects/end-to-end/
          pip install ploomber-cloud
    - name: Set up credentials
      run: |
          ploomber-cloud key ${{ secrets.ploomber-cloud-key }}
    - name: Deploy to Ploomber cloud
      run: |
          ploomber-cloud deploy

The workflow configuration above will deploy your project every day at midnight. You can customize the schedule to suit your needs.


Ploomber Cloud simplifies the deployment of AI/ML applications, eliminating the need for complex infrastructure management. With its easy setup, API key access, and seamless integration with GitHub Actions, deploying and updating your applications has never been easier. To get a hands-on experience, check out a complete sample project in the next blog.