Advanced aggregation operations in SQL#

In the last section, we learned about advanced joins. In similar fashion, aggregate functions, which were introduced in the Introduction to SQL module, also have advanced operations.

Recall that aggregation functions are useful for summarizing your data and for finding meaningful insights. The most common of these functions are COUNT(), AVG(), SUM(), MIN(), MAX(), GROUPBY(), and HAVING. However, in this section, we will focus on operations that help us handle tasks that are hard to implement efficiently with basic aggregation features.

Specifically, we will learn about ranking (RANK()), windowing (OVER()), pivoting (PIVOT()), and rollup (ROLLUP()).

Let’s first run the installations and setup before running any queries.

Set up and data access#


Note: The --save and %sqlcmd features used require the latest JupySQL version. Ensure you run the code below to update JupySQL.

This code installs JupySQL, DuckDB, and Pandas in your environment. We will be using these moving forward.

%pip install jupysql pandas --quiet

Load the data#

Note: If you are following these lessons locally and not on Google Colab, then there is no need to load the data again.

This section was covered in detail in the tutorial: Joining Data in SQL. We will be using the same data in this tutorial as well.

import sys

sys.path.insert(0, "../../")
import banking  # noqa: E402

_ = banking.MarketData(
    "",  # noqa E501

Converted expanded_data/trans.asc to CSV.
Converted expanded_data/order.asc to CSV.
Converted expanded_data/loan.asc to CSV.
Converted expanded_data/district.asc to CSV.
Converted expanded_data/disp.asc to CSV.
Converted expanded_data/client.asc to CSV.
Converted expanded_data/card.asc to CSV.
Converted expanded_data/account.asc to CSV.
All ASC files converted to CSV.

If you ran the above cell, you should have a folder expanded_data in your current directory that contains the .csv files we will be using. However, in this tutorial, we will focus on one file: loan.csv.

Load Engine#

We now load in our SQL extension that allows us to execute SQL queries in Jupyter Notebooks.

Note Ensure you restart any previous notebook that has the same database name as the one initialized below.

# Loading in SQL extension
%reload_ext sql
# Initiating a DuckDB database named '' to run SQL queries
%sql duckdb:///
There's a new jupysql version available (0.10.7), you're running 0.10.0. To upgrade: pip install jupysql --upgrade
Deploy AI and data apps for free on Ploomber Cloud! Learn more:
Found pyproject.toml from '/home/docs/checkouts/'
Settings changed:
Config value
displaycon False
feedback True
autopandas False
named_parameters True

Let’s now return to our initial dataset of bank marketing records.


Creating Table#

Let’s start off with loading the loan.csv file from the expanded_data folder in the current directory to our newly created DuckDB database. Because we will be working with one table, creating a schema is not required.

FROM read_csv_auto('expanded_data/loan.csv', header=True, sep=',');


RANK() finds the position of a value within a result set. For instance, we may wish to assign customers a rank based on the date when the loan was granted, with the rank 1 going to the customer with the highest date, the rank 2 to the customer with the next highest date, and so on.

Note: The date variable in the loan data is an integer, in the format YYMMDD, and will be used throughout the examples below.

General Syntax#

The general syntax of the rank function is:

RANK() OVER (ORDER BY expr [ASC|DESC] [, expr [ASC|DESC]] ...)

RANK() is executed by the attributes (or expressions) specified in the OVER (ORDER BY()) clause. Without this clause, RANK() will return the same value for each row.

Each order by expression optionally it can be followed by ASC or DESC to indicate the sort direction. The default is ASC if no direction is specified. NULL values are sorted first for ascending sorts and last for descending sorts.

The following query gives the rank of each customer:

SELECT account_id, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY (date) DESC) AS c_rank
FROM loan;
account_id c_rank
8645 1
6922 2
1928 2
105 4
1284 4
2262 6
276 6
9156 8
3293 9
309 10
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.

Although the tuples above are ordered by rank, sometimes they may not. Therefore, an extra, outer ORDER BY() clause is needed to ensure they are:

SELECT account_id, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY (date) DESC) as c_rank
FROM loan
ORDER BY c_rank;


The RANK() function gives the same rank to all tuples that are equal on the ORDER BY() attributes. For instance, if the highest date is shared by two customers, both would get rank 1. The next rank given would be 3, not 2, so if three customers have the next highest date, they would all get rank 3, and the next 10 customer(s) would get rank 6, and so on.

There is also a DENSE_RANK clause that does not create gaps in the ordering and an example is as follows:

SELECT account_id, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY (date) DESC) as c_rank, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY (date) DESC) AS d_rank
FROM loan
ORDER BY c_rank;
account_id c_rank d_rank
8645 1 1
6922 2 2
1928 2 2
105 4 3
1284 4 3
2262 6 4
276 6 4
9156 8 5
3293 9 6
309 10 7
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.

Several other functions can be used apart from RANK or DENSE_RANK:

  • PERCENT_RANK returns the rank of each tuple as a fraction between 0 and 1

  • CUME_DIST returns the cumulative distribution of each tuple

  • NTILE takes tuples in each partition (more below!) and divides them into buckets

  • ROW_NUMBER sorts the rows and gives each row a unique number corresponding to its position in the sort order


RANK() can also be used to rank tuples within groups. For instance, we may wish to rank customers by the date when the loan was granted, grouped by their status of paying off the loan. This can be done by partitioning the tuples, with a PARTITION BY clause within OVER(), by status (A, B, C, or D) and then ordering them by date within each status:

SELECT account_id, status, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY status ORDER BY (date) DESC) AS grouped_rank
FROM loan
ORDER BY grouped_rank;
account_id status grouped_rank
8645 C 1
5196 A 1
37 D 1
3273 B 1
1928 C 2
6922 C 2
8505 A 2
4858 D 2
1888 B 2
1284 C 3
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.

For reference, the different statuses represent:

  • ‘A’ stands for contract finished, no problems

  • ‘B’ stands for contract finished, loan not payed

  • ‘C’ stands for running contract, OK so far

  • ‘D’ stands for running contract, client in debt

Question 1 (Medium):#

Rank, in descending order, the customers by the date when the loan was granted, grouped by their status of paying off the loan. Also, find the average loan amount of customers by status and date and round it to 0 decimal places.

Hint Think about which basic aggregation clauses you will need to use to find the average loan amount by status and date. Once that is done, arrange the tuples in descending order of their rank.


The SQL query here is very similar to the DENSE_RANK query above. The only difference is that we need to find the average loan amount by status and date and round it to 0 decimal places. To do this we need two basic aggregation clauses: AVG() and GROUP BY(). Without the GROUP BY() clause, the appropriate average amount cannot be found. Moreover, the correct columns need to be specified in it, including account_id, status, and date, to obtain the rank of each customer by status and date. Lastly, to order the tuples in descending order of their rank, we need to add the DESC clause.

SELECT account_id, status, ROUND(AVG(amount), 0) as avg_amount, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY status ORDER BY date DESC) AS grouped_rank
FROM loan
GROUP BY account_id, status, date
ORDER BY grouped_rank DESC;
account_id status avg_amount grouped_rank
1071 C 253200.0 345
5313 C 300660.0 344
10079 C 167100.0 343
5385 C 149340.0 342
8321 C 89040.0 341
2933 C 272520.0 340
8558 C 288360.0 339
1811 C 239460.0 338
4260 C 244560.0 337
2824 C 50460.0 336
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.


Try changing the DENSE_RANK() clause to RANK(). What do you notice? Why do you think this is the case?


It is relatively easy to write an SQL query using those features we have already studied to compute an aggregate over one window, for example, loan amounts over a fixed 3-day period. However, if we want to do this for every 3-day period, like a moving-average, the query becomes cumbersome.

Window queries compute an aggregate function over ranges of tuples by accessing the records right before or after the current record. A set of rows to which this aggregation function applies to is referred to as a window.


Windows may overlap, in which case a tuple may contribute to more than one window. This is unlike the partitions we learnt about earlier, where a tuple could contribute to only one partition.

General Syntax#

Windowing is performed with the following syntax: OVER ( [partition] [order] [frame] )

It allows a frame to move within a partition depending on the position of the current row within its partition. The offsets of the current row and frame rows are the row numbers if the frame unit is ROWS and row values if the frame unit is RANGE.

Frames and its operations can be represented with the following:

  • frame: {frame_start | frame_between}

  • frame_between: BETWEEN frame_start AND frame_end



  1. The first 14 rows of the loan table have unique, non-consecutive dates ranging from July 5th 1993 to December 1st 1993. Therefore, we can compute the average loan amount over the three preceding tuples in the specified sort order. Note that this example makes sense only because each date, for the first 14 records, appears only once in loan. The example is as follows:

SELECT date, AVG(amount) OVER (ORDER BY date ROWS 3 PRECEDING) AS avg_amount
FROM loan
WHERE date <= 931201;
date avg_amount
930705 96396.0
930711 131178.0
930728 129812.0
930803 123810.0
930906 168396.0
930913 148866.0
930915 130293.0
930924 147528.0
931013 117447.0
931104 124743.0
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.

This is not the case across the whole table, which means there are several possible orderings of tuples since tuples for the same date could be in any order. To tackle this, we introduce in the example below a windowing query that uses a range of values instead of a specific number of tuples.

  1. Suppose that instead of going back a fixed number of tuples, we want the window to consist of all prior dates. That means the number of prior dates considered is not fixed and, hence, we can perform this on the entire dataset. To get the average amount over all prior dates, we write:

FROM loan;
date avg_amount
930705 96396.0
930711 131178.0
930728 129812.0
930803 123810.0
930906 153996.0
930913 142970.0
930915 130086.85714285714
930924 135669.0
931013 137752.0
931104 135679.2
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.


The ROUND() function is not recognized as an aggregate function in DuckDB. In the above query, If we modified the above SELECT clause to have ROUND(AVG(amount),0), we would get an error because we tried to use the ROUND() function within the OVER clause, which is not supported in DuckDB. To fix it, use a subquery in the FROM clause as follows:

SELECT date, ROUND(avg_amount, 2) AS rounded_avg_amount
date rounded_avg_amount
930705 151410.18
930711 151490.96
930728 151469.68
930803 151505.6
930906 151573.01
930913 151391.08
930915 151485.09
930924 151631.31
931013 151597.01
931104 151592.83
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.

Note: It is possible to use the keyword FOLLOWING in place of PRECEDING. If we did this in our example, the year value specifies the beginning of the window instead of the end. However, we will need to specify it using BETWEEN, explained below!

  1. Using BETWEEN for UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING is necessary because DuckDB does not allow a frame to start with UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING:

SELECT date, ROUND(avg_amount, 2) AS rounded_avg_amount
date rounded_avg_amount
930705 151410.18
930711 151490.96
930728 151469.68
930803 151505.6
930906 151573.01
930913 151391.08
930915 151485.09
930924 151631.31
931013 151597.01
931104 151592.83
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.

Question 2 (Hard):#

Return the maximum loan amount, rounded to 0 decimals, by the customer’s status for paying off the loan for every three dates preceding and every two dates following the current date of a tuple . Also, order the output by ascending order of date.

Hint Think about which advanced aggregation clause is needed to return the loan amount by status. Then, think about how to build the query for rounding the values.


The SQL query here is very similar to the third windowing function example. We can write windowing queries that treat each status separately by partitioning by status. Therefore, we need to add a PARTITION BY clause before the ORDER BY clause, like the ranking example, to account for status, use the MAX aggregation clause instead of AVG, add an extra ORDER BY clause at the end of the query, and change the frame selection to include both PRECEDING and FOLLOWING as follows:

SELECT date, status, ROUND(max_amount, 0) AS rounded_max_amount
ORDER BY date;
date status rounded_max_amount
930705 B 464520.0
930711 A 165960.0
930728 A 274740.0
930803 A 274740.0
930906 A 274740.0
930913 A 274740.0
930915 A 274740.0
930924 B 464520.0
931013 A 274740.0
931104 A 154416.0
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.

Try playing around with different frame selections and aggregation functions to develop your intuition!


Using SQL aggregation functions, we can easily create cross-tabulations (or cross-tabs for short), which takes a column of data and turns it into multiple columns, one for each unique value in the original column. It can also perform aggregations on the data, such as calculating the average or sum of the values in each column, useful for summarizing data.


DuckDB supports the PIVOT operator, but other databases, such as MySQL, do not. Yet, pivoting can be made possible and we shall explore below.

General Syntax#

The syntax for PIVOT is as follows:

PIVOT [dataset] 
ON [column(s)] 
USING [value(s)] 
GROUP BY [row(s)]

For other databases (and DuckDB), the CASE WHEN clause can be used to pivot data:

SELECT pivot_column,
        WHEN pivot_column = pivot_value THEN aggregate_column
        WHEN pivot_column = pivot_value THEN aggregate_column
        ELSE 0
) AS alias
FROM table
GROUP BY pivot_column;


Suppose we want to obtain the total loan amount by both the customer’s status of paying off the loan and the duration of the loan. We can do this by pivoting the status column, summing the amount column, and grouping the duration column:

PIVOT loan ON status USING SUM(amount) GROUP BY duration;
duration A B C D

Using, CASE WHEN we get identical results:

SELECT duration,
    SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'A' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS A,
    SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'B' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS B,
    SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'C' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS C,
    SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'D' THEN amount ELSE 0 END) AS D,
FROM loan
GROUP BY duration;
duration A B C D
12 5136444 584256 1269348 36204
24 5966688 1502016 5598336 625032
36 5108508 1516212 10627164 1474380
48 1730016 295344 22383024 3963408
60 661560 464520 29200500 5118780

Question 3 (Medium):#

For all the customers’ status of paying off the loan, duration of the loan, and date of the loan, return both the average loan amount. Make sure to return date in the first column and only those columns that have combinations of status and duration values in them (i.e no columns with only None values should be displayed).

Hint Because the output should contain the date column first, we use a GROUP BY for it. Multiple ON columns and expressions can be specified in the PIVOT clause along with multiple USING expressions. The expression ||'_'|| can be used not only to concatenate the columns, but also to pivot only the combinations of values that are present in the data. The order of the columns will, hence, be: date, A_12_sum(amount), A_24_sum(amount), A_36_sum(amount),…, D_60_sum(amount)

PIVOT loan ON status ||'_'|| duration USING SUM(amount) GROUP BY date;
date A_12 A_24 A_36 A_48 A_60 B_12 B_24 B_36 B_48 B_60 C_12 C_24 C_36 C_48 C_60 D_12 D_24 D_36 D_48 D_60

Try playing with multiple variables in the ON, USING, and GROUP BY clauses and see if you can explore the data more closely!

Grouping Sets, Rollup, and Cube#

To perform a grouping over multiple dimensions within the same query, the following clauses can be used with GROUP BY:

  • GROUPING SETS perform the same aggregate across different GROUP BY clauses in a single query.

  • ROLLUP produces all “sub-groups” of a grouping set, e.g. ROLLUP (country, city, zip) produces the grouping sets (country, city, zip), (country, city), (country), () where () denotes an empty group by list. Therefore, placement of variables matters here because only the first variable’s individual aggregation is output. This produces n+1 grouping sets where n is the number of terms in the ROLLUP clause.

  • CUBE: produces grouping sets for all combinations of the inputs, e.g. CUBE (country, city, zip) will produce (country, city, zip), (country, city), (country, zip), (city, zip), (country), (city), (zip), (). This produces 2^n grouping sets.


Neither the ROLLUP nor the CUBEclause gives complete control on the groupings that are generated. Therefore,GROUPING SETS` is the most flexible of the three.


Suppose we want to obtain the number of account_id’s by the customer’s status of paying off the loan and the duration of the loan together and separately. We can do this by using GROUPING SETS:

SELECT status, duration, COUNT(account_id) AS count_account_id
FROM loan
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((), status, (status, duration), duration);
status duration count_account_id
None None 682
B None 31
A None 203
C None 403
D None 45
B 12 10
A 36 32
A 60 3
A 24 64
A 12 93
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.

Using CUBE, which helps us condense the above GROUP BY clause, we can get identical results:

SELECT status, duration, COUNT(account_id) AS count_account_id
FROM loan
GROUP BY CUBE (status, duration);
status duration count_account_id
None None 682
B None 31
A None 203
C None 403
D None 45
B 12 10
A 36 32
A 60 3
A 24 64
A 12 93
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.

Question 4 (Easy):#

Find the maximum loan amount in the following groupings: {(date, duration), (status, duration)}.


Recall the note at the beginning of this section, which stated that neither ROLLUPS nor CUBE can be used to specify restricted groupings, like in the question above. Therefore, we use GROUPING SETS:

SELECT date, duration, status, MAX(amount) AS max_amount
FROM loan
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((date, duration), (status, duration));
date duration status max_amount
930705 12 None 96396
930711 36 None 165960
930728 60 None 127080
930803 36 None 105804
930906 60 None 274740
930913 24 None 87840
930915 12 None 52788
930924 24 None 174744
931013 48 None 154416
931104 24 None 117024
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.

Delete table


Wrapping Up#

In this section, we introduced advanced aggregation functions. To summarize:

  • RANK() : Returns the rank of each row in the result set. It needs to be used with the OVER (ORDER BY()) clause. It can also be used with PARTITION BY to rank within a group.

  • Windowing : Helps obtain moving-aggregations either through the whole dataset or a subset of it, depending on the frame selection. Executed with the syntax OVER ( [partition] [order] [frame] ).

  • PIVOT() : Produces a cross-tab for summarizing datasets based on one or many column(s). Can be emulated with CASE WHEN statements for compatibility with other SQL dialects.

  • Groupings : GROUPING SETS provides the most flexibility out of ROLLUP and CUBE.

This ends the module Advanced querying techniques and we hope you enjoyed it! Next, we will learn about how to visualize your queries using popular Python libraries, including matplotlib and seaborn, and ggplot!


Silberschatz, A., Korth, H. F., & Sudarshan, S. (2020). Database system concepts. McGraw-Hill.

DuckDB. (n.d.).